Welcome Everyone!
Found this and right now it is just a trial...but it looks great and is reasonable. It will be much easier to communcate with everyone and to get feedback by just posting thread. There ia not a lot of control now, but after we subscribe to the Gold package....it looks like it will do everything we want! ht...
Terry Jones
Okie rod building tools
Has anyone heard of these guys and if so, what do you think about their products? I really like his designs and im thinking about getting his mothly special, which is a power rod wrapper, a 3 rod dryer and a epoxy mixer. Here is the link in case anyone wants to look at his stuff. http://www.okierodbuild...
Jason Barnette
latest rod
i call it the Spiral Dragon
Terry Goode
Club meeting
Don't forget club meeting this Saturday.
Pat Helton
Happy birthday
Today is Terry G.s birthday. Terry you have really become a valued member of TRB. Thank you for all the things you do for us. I am computer stupid so it is good to have you younger guys to help with websites and stuff. Pat
Pat Helton
Bullard Thread
Silvia are you going to wait until the West Coast show to introduce you're new thread? Just wondering Paul
Paul Lindsey
Telescoping rods
Can anyone give me some directions on building a Telescoping rod. The blank is 6' and the sliding piece is 18" making it a 7'6" rod Any help would be appreciated
Paul Lindsey
Basic rod building class Jun 12th pictures
Terry Goode
2011 ICRBE
Just read that Tom Kirkman should release his decision later this week about holding the 2011 Expo as well as dates & location. Anyone that wants to go should start planning soon. It is well worth the trip!
Alan Heuston
Size 4 guide
Guys and gals i need one size 4 chrome guide. I anyone has one i would gladly pay for it and the postage Thanks Paul
Paul Lindsey
We got it.
Good news! Our 501c3 designation has been approved, we are now officially a charitable organization. All donations to us are tax deductable. Pat
Pat Helton
Please HELP! BP Gulf Oil Spill: Pet and Human Hair will help? You Bet!!
Please check out the following link to help with the much needed effort to clean up the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This is at least one thing we all can do. Be sure to send this information along to your friends, hairdressers, dog groomers. This really can help! Welcome to Matter Of Tru...
Silvia Davis
got a problem with my scrimshaw rod
while fishing yesterday i noticed that just behind the horn for about an inch the cork is broken on the rod, must have happend when i got that big jack. i had no idea that that blank flexed that much, am open to suggestions for a repair as i dont wish to remove the reel seat and cork handle. what do you think if...
Terry Goode
This is just to give you an update on our progress in obtaining a 501c3 status. We have been assigned a caseworker and she has asked for additional info and asked that we add a paragraph to our by-laws saying we will abide by the rules governing a 501c3 organization. Hopefully we are getting down to the ti...
Pat Helton
Fly Rod
Hi guys and Gal; I am fixing to start a 7' orvis 4 wt 2pc. Would like some information on the guide sizes stripper to top. I am thinking using the FUJI single foot guides, Also a good reel seat for a rod like this. I will be building a 71/2" half wells fore grip. Thanks Paul
Paul Lindsey
just to let every one know
Just to let every one know the "Events page" has been updated in regards to pictures from the second training class . ( located in the "training class schedule" link on the Events page ) even though it was a bit small, i believe we all learned quite a bit, i know i did ! enjoy
Terry Goode
TRB home web site, part II
Just to let every one know there is also an updated "training class schedule" link on the Events page that can be printed besides using the Calendar to see events. There is also now a Paypal "Donation" button on the Rods For Soldiers page if any one wishes to donate that way.
Terry Goode
Thread Art Thread
Just wanted everyone to know i must have gotten a bad batch of the Thread Art Thread. The color is not consistent, it fades in and out on a base wrap or a guide wrap. Like i say i may have just got a bad batch.
Paul Lindsey
TRB home web site
I may be stepping out of line here but i have along with a few others here rebuilt the main home web site (granted its old school html) but i kinda think it looks nice. If there is something wrong or a miss spelled word here or there , holler at me ,if there is something that should or "could be added&qu...
Terry Goode
Mono Wrap Findings!
Well folks I am not going to get into the whole debate of who's it is and what to call it but I thought it was a cool technique and thought to give it a try! Here is what I found: I started with Size C NCP red, white and blue, I wrapped it onto the blank (IP842 7') and then burnished it. I then coated it with epoxy (r...
Allen Pierce
I just wanted to let all of you know that you are a great bunch of folks and this club should do very well. Someone needs to take over RFS. PLease steo up. Pat
Pat Helton
Something for the club
Two things you might be interested in: One is we have a booth again at the fishing show in March. I will open my booth to the club to put in a small table, or use a corner of one of my tables, with some information about the club with a small sign. I think there are alot of small rod builders out there that may be...
Don Savage
Saturday meeting
Terry Is there going to be a meeting Saturday? If so we need to announce it today. Pat
Pat Helton
TRB Honorary Texans.....
Just wanted to share with everyone the photos of our very first Honorary Texans bestowed on Ron and Mary Walter...for their support of the TRB !!!... It indeed was a fun time !!....And I had fun getting the certificate together, even signed by our county commissioner !! Thanks again Ron and Miss Mary f...
1st TRB Rod Buildn Class
John Lopez
Not A Happy Ending !!!!
All rods do not have a happy ending...!!.....I could not believe this happened after all the work I put into this handle and reelseat.....but S......Happens !! From the start nothing went right...that should have warned me of what was to come .. Just another OOPS !!!!... ML~~
Rod building class
well i for one enjoyed it even if i had to leave early, i did manage to take a few pictures before the other Terry (heheh Terry.N.J.) had us working away. nice well laid out plan of attack, er ah training, well spoken presentation and comfortable atmosphere and commentary, i felt quite at ease there....
Terry Goode
San Antonio Rod Builders?
I am looking to learn how to build my own rods. I have never done it and have no clue about it. I was wondering if anybody around San Antonio builds rods and would be willing to teach me how. Or if someone knows of a rod building class around the area, please let me know.
James Ket
Custom Rod Crappie Fishin'
Here are some photos of a custom rod...one of six that was ordered by the same client , and the mess of crappie that was caught using the Ratmo Croc Rod.... It is great to see your rods catch such a good mess of crappie !! This was on Lake Graham in Graham Texas.... MaryLou~~
One Of My " OOPS " !!!!
I was in the process of building a beer can handle for a friend of mine....I decided to try out a new glue and it ended in disaster....it was a mess waiting to happen !!......so it is back to using the Old Barge Cement !! I could have saved myself alot of time and effort by using my tried and true method !! Mary...