Custom Winding Checks....
I taught myself how to make custom winding checks from a Artie Heibert video....I wanted to show some that I have made....it's easy..but it takes practice..practice and more practice !! I will add to this thread, as I build more winding checks, so the entire process can be seen.... MaryLou~~ -- Edite...
What would you like to see?
What would you like to see as a training session at the upcoming Member meeting 6/28? Please give us some suggestion so we can plan accordingly! I would like to see Doug do a weave of the Texas Rod Builders logo in 45 minutes! BBBWwwaaaaaaaa -- Edited by Terry Jones at 12:24, 2008-06-13 -- Edited by Terry...
Terry Jones
weaving / wrapping and my art work
Originally i had given exclusive right to Raymond Adams to use some of my art for his weaving work on fishing rods "but" he has graciously allowed me to extend the offer to the "Texas Rod Builders" Club Listed are some samples of and for Fishing Rod wrapping and weaving "bu...
Terry Goode
Wrap around Deco Wrap
I am wanting to do a deco wrap like Dave (dc1502) does. If you aren't familiar with what I am talking about...he starts at the butt...wraps out about 12 inches, they turns and goes back the other way without tape or without having to use a tie off. Since he doesn't frequent 2cool anymore...I was wonderi...
Terry Jones
Holo Wrap Help
When doing the holo wrap the color that gives the holo effect is which one. In this example photo the red/maroon color comes from which thread? And the lines creadted I guess are from the burnishing. Do you burnish in a particular pattern to achieve this type of pattern. Is the burnishing done before th...
Allen Pierce
Some observations on Moire Wraps
Well I have been experimenting quite a bit on the Moire Wraps discribed by Scott Throop and Bill Colby some months back. Here are some nuances I have played with. Burnishing threads is MEGA important. Lots of finish between layers really enhances the movement. Two thread Moires(that is two in the u...
Doc Ski
Hey gals and guys, I am working on a short outline (about eight to ten hours) basic rod building class for our TRB. I need some suggestions on topics to be covered and better topics to be left off of such a format..........I thought with this sort of format we could get some exposure for TRB with giving it...
John Blair
Advancing Our Craft
Hey guys, Got an idea for education........I am compiling a list of fishing clubs in Texas (all types). I would like for some of us to go to the clubs with an invitation of course, and speak to them on custom rod building. Maybe put on a brief demo and find out if there would be any intrest in a more in depth...
John Blair