I decided to get busy this afternoon and make myself useful, so I decided to start a new copperhead rod.. My buddy from Alabama sent me a niced sized tanned copperhead skin....4 inches at the widest diameter...that he could not use,..so I put it to good use !!..( Don't look to close, I have got a few wrinkles in the skin !!)
The rodblank is a BenchMark..7foot/Medium..for Wacky Wormin'...and will put the Am.Tackle Titan Guides on it !!..Woo-Hooo !!..And D2 for the finish !!..Oh Yes..Wrapped in FishHawk Metallic Thread !!
This rod is going to make one heck of a Christmas Gift !!..
How does a snakeskin have to be tanned to use for a grip? Pat
Pat.... The skin should be tanned with a commerial tanning solution..like SnakeTan from Tandy....' Don't ever use glycerin and antifreeze on a snakeskin...the oil will never leave and it will turn the skin yellow over time...
NICE job, ML! What skin do you find the easiest to work with?
Thank You Jerry......The easiest skin to work with is rattlesnake skin...it is much more forgiving than copperhead skin...it can tear in a heartbeat !!...