Wanted to get your opinions on what your favorite inshore saltwater spinning rod guides were. I'm rebuilding a rod for my dad and need something that will take a beating. He doesn't baby his rods like I do. Just finished a casting rod for myself and used micros and really liked then. What about micros on a spinning rod? Anyone tried that? Just curious to get some thoughts on the matter.
-- Edited by Kyle Jud on Thursday 11th of February 2010 03:51:14 PM
Well, I had to edit your post because the profanity filter worked a little too good. I have it changed now, but it didn't like the word saltwater...
As for the guides, I like Fuji... the ICYSG are titanuim coated stainless steel/SIC ring, and are a good choice if you are trying to keep cost down. Above that is the TYSG titanium SIC's, but they're pretty pricey. I have used REC spinning guides as well, but the jury's still out for me on them. The thing that gets me about them is sometimes the size 30's will rattle when you bump the rod and it sounds like something's loose. I've only tried micros once on a spinning rod. I know that plenty of people have done it, but I'm not convinced they're the best way to go for spinners. I did use a smaller than usual butt guide on that rod, so maybe that was the problem more than the micros. I'm sure other folks will have different opinions on them....
For a light saltwater stik that gets beat around I would lean towards Rec Recoil RSPG and fly style guides. No corrosion to worry about and no ring inserts to break or pop out.
I wouldn't recommend those for braided line though and I would use a Alconite tip-top.
I use micro's on spinning rods with no issues.
-- Edited by Raymond Adams on Thursday 11th of February 2010 04:06:49 PM
I know what you mean on the recoils. Mine are noisy as heck. What sizes did you use on the micros. I've read people doing 12-8-6-down to size 3s. Is that too small? Guess it depends on the reel as well. Might try micros, but will see what others have to say.
I can't disagree w/ the Fuji alconites BLAG. If he uses 10-12lb test, the size 4 would make good running guides. Maybe 4.5, if he passes a knot. I don't do many spinners, but I do like to use the 27X concept when setting them up. The BLAG price is decent, and if he's hard on the equipment, he'll know where to take it for repair!