Hey all!! It was good to see a pretty decent turnout at the meeting this weekend! I've been guilty of not checking in here lately, but keeping this forum going is essential to the success of the club. For a majority of members, it is tough to get to Houston once a month for meetings. I think we need to start conducting more club business through this forum so that everybody can chime in. At the meeting, we discussed possibly trimming down or consolidating some of the categories on the forum to make it more concise. If anyone has any ideas about how to generate more interest and traffic to this forum, please post up! I am willing to contribute however necessary to help the forum along. There's some exciting events coming up including the FTU gathering, a Rods for Soldiers fundraiser, and the rod show in September. Lets drum up some activity and get this thing back on track!
I think we need to consolidate this board with texasrodbuilders.com. We could add a forum, club meeinting section, and some How To's to the trb.com site and have one good site instead of trying to maintain two sites. Actually we have three. I would like to see maybe three people that would keep the site updated and going in the right direction. Hopefully we wouldn't need moderators to make sure no one is abusing the board or using foul language. I would like to see a directory for those of use that sell rods. I would also like to see a "Members Gallery". Just some thoughts. Right now the thing we need most is for our members to get involved and start making things happen again. Pat
I agree, Pat. I know Terry has put alot of time into setting up these forums... Maybe we can get a couple of members to commit to helping in consolidating the website/forum, and making everything a little more concise. We need to at least see about getting a link to the forum posted on the main website. I am willing to help with this however I can...
Morning guys! I would like that too, but the regular website doesn't have forum abilities, and this one doesn't have web-site abilities...so it will work by just linking the 2 together. Here is the link for the blog like 2cool.... http://rodrack.activeboard.com/
I can change the categories and the areas names on this one...we just need to figure out how we want it. I am open to volunteers to help maintain the site...just let me know who wants to help!
I didn't link it, becasue you need to be a member here....we can link it and they can view, but cant post....
-- Edited by Terry Jones on Monday 16th of November 2009 08:33:37 AM
Well, in light of the rather ugly discussions recently on 2cool about this site, I figured we should start actively working on a solution. At the risk of hurting feelings, Im just going to say what I think and we can discuss it from there. I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do, I'm volunteering myself to help however I can to make this work.
First of all, I think that all of TRBs web presence should be much more concise. I don't see the need for any separate forums beyond this one. There is a Rod Rack section right here on this site, so I dont see the need for a whole separate forum. Its too much to try to check every day, and if I wanted to post, its too much to try to do in two separate forums for the same audience.
Second, I think we need to consolidate the forum. If a section has less than 3 replies in over a year and a half, its just clutter thats taking up space. Starting at the top, the "Friends of TRB" section should be consolidated into one forum at most.Those six sections should be individual threads under one topic.
Moving down, if were going to have separate forums for Texas Rod Builders and General Discussion, one of them should be members only so were not airing out club discussions in public.
Keep the suggestion box
Delete "please read"
Keep the Dew Drop Inn for the coffee drinkers
Delete "TRB forum is now Gold"
Delete "TRB in the News" this should be a thread under the Texas Rod Builders forum
Delete "1st Annual membership meeting"
Change "Veterans Projects" to "Rods for Soldiers" or "Rods for Heroes"
Club Store is ok
"Training Department, Tech Wrap, and Tech Vault" should all be under one forum. I think it should be members only to encourage new builders to join in order to see our training and tech info.
The Hall of Fame is a cool forum, but again, I think it could be done right here on the main forum with a member roster or "introduce yourself" forum. This could also replace or be merged with "members corner" Theres a lot of good stuff on the HOF, so I wouldnt vote for getting rid of it completely.
Newsletter is fine, although we should get everyone on board with the forum before we start spending $ on newsletters
"Club meetings info" should be merged with the members only club issues discussion forum
Again, the "rod rack" section of this site is just fine, and I think we should use it as our main spot to show off our work.My only suggestion would be to add a "members gallery" section that is just for completed new rods, and not so specific to the individual parts of the rod.
On the main website, I think we should make a link on the main TRB website that says "Forum" that links to the activeboard forum, instead of having the forum link under the "Contact Us" link
Finally, I think we should have a club roster for dues paid members with contact info posted on the main site for anyone who wants to be available to other members or to potential customers.
Again, I apologize if anyone is upset with any of this. Im not trying to take charge or force anything. Im just airing my suggestions, and making myself available to help out in any way I can, including doing all of the above myself if ya'll want me to. Sorry about the length, but if you didn't care, you probably wouldn't have read this far! I hope this post starts a discussion on how we can make the club better and more useful to everyone who is interested in it!!
-- Edited by Kyle Jud on Wednesday 13th of January 2010 11:59:59 AM
-- Edited by Kyle Jud on Wednesday 13th of January 2010 12:04:15 PM
Kyle, you're not upsetting me for sure! I, too, think condensing is needed, as well as a members roster w/ contact info, and a members only section where we can ask questions like "how much did we raise w/ the raffles" and someone might actually answer. I don't know what it takes to have a site where we could post pics direct, but for me, going thru a photohosting site is a pain. Jerry
I was able to post pics without going through a photohosting site. There's an "attach file" option when you start a new post or reply. I'm not sure how it worked on the other rod rack site, but posting pics on this board is pretty straightforward.
As for the raffle question and club finances in general, I agree that we should have a thorough discussion of the topic in a members only thread.
Lets keep the discussion going.... Please post up your ideas, requests, input, changes, etc.... There is more than enough interest to make this a very successful forum. We just need to make it happen.
it is my understanding that Terry (the other Terry, heheh) is the one who works on fixing updating and general control of the "boards", and is always quite busy, if so is there any thing we can do to elevate some of the work load on him ?
I would be happy to help out on making any changes. Terry would probably need to give an admin login. I definitely respect all the work that Terry put in to set all of this up. I know he keeps busy, so it might not be a bad idea to delegate some of the work for upkeep of the forum.
i being medically retired and have some extra time on my hands am willing to help with the board also .
i have a background in building personal web sites but not in online forums and am home "most of the time" except for doctor visits and fishing once or twice a month, heheh
ok Kyle you asked , here is my answer , its a revamped copy of the existing TRB main page with how i see it, please be aware thats is a "real time copy" and the links are hot.
so if ya hit one it will just show whats in the original site link "from" the main TRB site.
Thanks Terry G! I think that's a step in the right direction. I think if we made a basic "consolidation" of the forum as you have done, and then left it open to suggestions to add/subtract as necessary, we would come up with a very useable and popular forum.
Alright, I was wrong, posting pics is very easy! Cool. We need to dele a couple of sponsors...Andy Dear no longer has Lamar, and Robbie no longer has FishHawk thread. Both were bought out by Scott of RodDancer/FishSticks, and I'm not sure if he's a sponsor, yet, tho I hope he is! You guys are heading us in the right direction w/ your suggestions of changes to the board! Jerry
If anyone has a master list, I guess it would be Terry Jones. I have the CC list from past emails that have gone around, but I'm not sure if there is an actual list of members... Terry, are you out there?? I think a roll call is a great idea. I'm going to start a roll call thread so any lurkers out there can introduce themselves.
-- Edited by Kyle Jud on Friday 15th of January 2010 10:50:48 AM
We all seem to be on the same page as far as condensing our boards and making the more user friendly. I would like to see someone with computer skills to take over this and run it. Terry has too much to do and needs a little relief. I know everyone appreciate all of his hard work but I am afraid we are going to burn him out. Kyle if you have the expertise I will be in favor of you taking care of our website. I will talk to Terry tomorrow to see what he thinks. If there is someone else that would like to help put with the website just let us know. Pat
Thanks Pat. I don't claim expertise in anything, but I think I could make it work. I guess I'd need a login and a quick lesson from Terry, but I have the time and would be happy to do it.
I don't mean to interfere, But I think the torch should be handed to kyle. He has some great ideas. I really believe he can make it work. I also feel that Terry is overwhelmed and needs our support.
Hey Guys! This has been a busy and crazy year for me, so I appreciate y'alls understanding!
I appreciate yourl pushing the forum! The forums I think are a great tool and I would LOVE too see them kicking again. I will be glad to give Kyle admin rights to the forums, but i would like to talk to discuss before we start deleting some oof the other forums/consolidating etc just so you understand the reason why i set them up that way and what their limitations are.
I think is going to be a great year, so the forums will come in handy. I have 24 people registered for the rod class (some will spill over to the next one). There will also be 2 extra seminars a month in addition to the begginners classes! Great stuff cooming up!
Hey, there's the man! With that much interest in the new builder classes, it's no wonder you're keeping busy!!!! That's great that those classes are taking off & I hope to see some of those new folks hangin' around here soon!
Terry and I have been in communication about setting me up with an admin login. Like I said before, I'm not trying to take over or overedit anything, so the suggestion box will be checked often!! This board belongs to the members of the club, so all of your suggestions and ideas will be very important as we move forward. There were alot of exciting suggestions made at the FTU gathering, and I'm looking forward to seeing the club progress and grow in 2010!!!
All of this is very exciting to me. I think that TRB can become a driving force in the rodbuilding community. We have excellent people in our club. We have excellent ideas and goals. We have already accomplished a lot for a new club. If we all work together this can become the premier rodbuilding club with the premier rodbuilding website. I am glad to see some young energetic people stepping up to the plate and bringing new ideas with them and volunteering to make this thing work. Thanks a lot guys, this club is impotaant to me. Pat
well Kyle you have my example link, but i would also like to hear Terry J. talk about some of the restrictions of the board and why it was done this way.
-- Edited by Terry G on Saturday 16th of January 2010 08:39:52 AM
I like where this is going guys! Consolidation definitely makes a lot of sense as long as the logistics can be worked out and some sections can be restricted to "members only access".
I thought that this forum was only accessible by members and that's why the Rod Rack was created. One forum for discussing club business & member interaction and the other forum for Club interaction with the public.
I do have a club roster but it is from early in the first year so it's quite outdated now.
I assume the announcement emails sent by Terry J. were addressed to the entire membership so I have them saved. I used one of them to send my own announcements & requests for info. and pix for the Newsletter and 2010 TRB Calendar. I was very surprised and disappointed with the lack of replies/responses. Maybe my emails were NOT received by everyone? I know a few were kicked back as not being active addresses so at least a few members need to update their email addresses.
Thanks for stepping up Kyle!
-- Edited by Raymond Adams on Sunday 17th of January 2010 03:32:50 PM
Allright folks, you'll notice that I made a few changes to the layout of the forum. This is an ongoing process, and I'm VERY open to suggestions!! Post up your suggestions in the suggestion box, or email them to me!!!