Hey Kevin, Some of us are ok. We had our first club meeting since Ike yesterday at FTU. Not everyone was there, but it was good meeting with those that were. We'll eventually get back up to full speed. There's still alot of cleaning up going on down there. I saw a rattan wrapped rod that Kyle Jud did a great job on. For the "rods for soldiers" program, Danny Meyer of FTU offered blank/ components for 2 builds/month and Swampland Rods offered blank/components on any 1 of their XP3 blanks. Very generous of both companies! Thanks for asking about us! Jerry
Kevin You need to get down here sometime and bring some of your wisdom to us. WE are going to have a Rod Show at FTU again this year the last Saturday in March. The weather is nice in March and we would all like to have you come join us and maybe do a Demo. Pat
Jerry! Great to hear you guys are doing well. I just wish I could help those who need it... Say Kyle's working with Rattan? Cool! I'd love to see some pics! (Pics, Kyle... pics!) Kudos to FTU and Swampland - God bless 'em!
Hey Pat! I'd love to come over and see you guys! Not sure what wisdom I can bring though... lol March weather's very nice here in Florida too. Tell me you're real close to some flats with Redfish, and you got a deal!
I am about 30 minutes from a fantastic redfish hole. Our flats aren't like yours, ours is kinda muddy. Redfish don't eat mud so they are good eating. I have a friend that lives about 30 miles from Tampa and he comes here every year to fish. I haven't figured that one out yet. I may comeout there after the first of the year. Pat
I bet I can tell you why he goes out there instead of driving 3hrs to get to Mosquito Lagoon... Mosquito Lagoon is so famous world-wide, and so heavily fished, that - without a guide... I mean a GOOD guide, it ain't easy. Man, it sure would be nice to fish for Reds that don't see a fly or plug on a daily basis. They're so damn spooky, it'll test any fisherman's stalking abilities... More like Hunting, than Fishing... its a lot of fun, but can be very frustrating somedays. I love fishing, and enjoy a good challenge - but sometimes catching is nice too.
Also was wondering how things are going for the group there. Hopefully I'll be able to actually attend a club meeting some time. Can anyone share the minutes?
Also was wondering how things are going for the group there. Hopefully I'll be able to actually attend a club meeting some time. Can anyone share the minutes?
Hi Raymond Basically we just tried to get restarted. FTU will have their rod show the last Saturday in March again. We will be doing demos and showing off our work. We are going to try to make it bigger and better than the last one. Danny is going to try to get some manufacturers to set up booths. We want to come up with a standardized rod for the Rods For Soldiers program so that whoever makes the rods they will be somewhat the same. WE need to have a formal election fo officers. Our choces so far are working but we need to make it official. Need to check into getting a 501c3 designation. Decided to wait until next summer to have our rod show and try to improve on it. Need to contact vendors as soon as we decide on a date and location so that they can decide to come or not. We are back on schedule for our monthly meetings. They will be held at FTU the last Saturday of each month at 2:00 PM. That about sums it up. I hope you can make a meeting sometime and try real hard to come in March. Pat
A standard type rod makes sense from a planning standpoint but these are special rods for special guys & gals. Don't know how practical that will be. Would be nice to get some info on the likes & dislikes for types of fishing the candidate does & some background if possible. For example, a flats rod wouldn't do a surf fisherman much good.
A standard color & decor theme makes sense though. Maybe red,white, blue with the TRB logo decal and recipients name & date. A fish decal or weave of what ever is best to use it for.