this is a usa blank 843. the handle is custom made with layered burrel cork and sliced with foam inserts. it has micros with a # 6 stripper and a #6 fly guide as the transition guide. the rest are micros. the total guides are 7. it has all tiger wrap and a fuji split seat. i totally injoyed building it; i hope u enjoy looking at it..................bennie
ps it has been counter balanced to give the tip some feel.
i love making fishing rods. even if i did not have any to sale, i would build them anyway terry. i just thank God that he lets me sale some. i started building fishing rod before my accident in 1972 which left me a parapeligic. i think that the rod building had a lot to do with rehab. of the mind durring that time. people think i maybe a little adimante about rod building well i am. thanks for always complimenting me on my rods terry, i consider u a friend and would like to go fishing with u some time ................bennie
Bennie. thanks for the invite but due to all this medical crap going on a 4 hr fishing trip just kills me any more and i spend the rest of the day recovering we'll talk more later on.