Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on our Basic Rod Building Class we were going to have tomorrow has changed to July. FTU is having its Family Fishing Clinic and they will need to use the conference room we were going to use. The Family Clinic itself should be fun for all with Seminars, activities, and demo's, so if you were already planning on coming to the FTU Gulf Freeway location, there will be lots to see.
For those that were going to attend the class, we have opened up 2 Saturday dates in July, the 16th and the 23rd. The Workshop will be from 12:00 noon until 4:00pm and will be lecture, demo, and some hands on. The advantages of doing the class this way is we can handle more students and can do the classes more often so there is less waiting and scheduling conflicts for those wanting to get started in rod building.
The Workshops are free and everyone is welcomed, but you do need to register with me. You can email me terry@fishingtackleunlimited.com .