Is there a web site promoting all rod presentations, all donations, all rod builders involved, all recipients, etc, etc.?
Hopefully you can all see where this is going.I am not a rod builder, I am an angler.I can however contribute to this cause even if I do not build custom rods.Exposure, exposure, and more exposure.I can help expose RFS.Donations, this is also within my means.
I would very much like to speak with both Pat Helton & Terry Jones, if for no other reason to thank them both.
Again thank you all for your involvement in the RFS program.
I understand and respect any and all privacy issues with recipients and or contributors; this is why GOD invented the word anonymous.This too can be overcome.
I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions. Please give me a call at 979-418-9093. We can use all the help we can get. Exposure is the best tool we have and I have not done very well in that department. I have pics of some of the presentations but should have more. A lot of the rods we build we don't know who they actually go to, we give to an organization that gives them to wounded soldiers and we don't get a chance to see who is actually getting them. We donate some rods to organizations that help wounded soldiers for auctions to raise funds for their events.
Anyway give me a call. I am available most of the time.
Warren , first welcome to our little corner of the world, we do have a main web site and in it there is a section for the RFS program and info.
I must say i am at fault for not staying current and posting new info relating to the RFS program and i will strive to improve that in the near future.
the questions you have asked are valid and i hope Pat has provided you with many of the answers you requested and i hope to see you and our next club meeting if your in our area .
Ah, i see you not local to us, well if you ever get down this way one of use would be glad to show you around .
Terry G.
-- Edited by Terry Goode on Thursday 28th of April 2011 05:53:54 AM