I thought I would post a few pics of all of the stuff that John gave us. The first couple of pictures is my shop before I moved everything in. The next few are of the truck and traler still loaded. Then the blanks put into rod racks and leaning against the wall. Thread Guides If everything was added up including the equipment it would probably be close to $10,000. I don't know what the bus is worth but I am working on getting it wrapped or painted. I am also going to see how much the insurance will cost and try to talk my insurance agent into getting Alstate to donate the insurance. We've got a lot of stuff so we need to get busy. Pat
'Holy Canole' That is alot of stuff!!!!!!!!!! Shouldn't be lacking for parts now. Thankyou John for your donation to RFS. Now all we need to do is build. Pat, what do you have in mind?