I would like to tell you all about John Blair. He is a member that lives in Rio Hondo, Texas. He called me a few days ago and told me that he wanted to donate his entire rodshop to me for the RFS program. I went yesterday and loaded a truck and trailer with all the stuff he gave me. I received a power wrapper, 4 hand wrappers, wood lathe, metal lathe, bench grinder, bench grinder with buffing wheels, complete flocking system including air compressor, work bench, dozens of blanks, 1000's of guides' 100's of reelseats, grip material, finished grips, wood blanks for grips, wood blanks for fly reelseats, handtoolls, thread, books, patterns, etc.etc.etc. On top of that he has offered us a full size school bus that has been set up as a rodshop. He said we could either use it or sell it and put the money in the RFS program. I was overwhelmed by his generosity. He and his wife are really special people. WE need to do something special for these fine folks. John will have surgery in two weeks and I would like to go back down there for his surgery and I would like to take him a nice plaque or maybe even a trophy that says "World Class Rodbuilder" or something more sensable to acknowledge his very generous gift. Give me some ideas. Maybe a special drawing from Terry G. or something on that order. Thanks Pat
Pat after seeing this on BD ,I thought a plaque would be an excellent idea! It would be cool to have signatures on it from the soliders you get to meet & rod builders that donate to the program,etc.
Terry G. I went on your website and looked at your art, all of it is so good that I can't choose just one. Probably a nice trout or redfish or both would be great. You can pick one and if you want to donate it I will get it framed and get it to him. Pat