Well on very short notice and some quick emails I ended up picking up a rod from Terry on Monday for a benefit dinner being held for Pct. 6 Harris County Constable Turnage. Officer Turnage was severly injured as he was just getting of his shift as a motorcycle officer here in Harris Co. He was struck by a drunk and is still in the hospital and is expected to be there for some time. I am glad Pat agreed to do this as these are our local guys that look out for our saftey every day. His fellow officers and family were very appreciative of the donation and as the rod was on display today at the dinner a special raffle will be held in hopes of bringing more money. I know the pics are not that great but I got there as they were wrapping up the dinner and had to make it quick. Over 600 plates were sold during lunch!
I am glad that you made it in time to present the rod to them. This is an important part of RFS, police officers, firemen , and EMTs are heroes that are often overlooked and we need to do all we can to show our appreciation for their sacrifices. Pat
If anyone knows of a police officer, fireman, EMT, or soldier that deserves a rod from us, whether it be for their personal use or to be used as a fundraiser please let me know. We need to honor these heroes for their sacrifices. Pat