My client's wife is a member of the US Army Signal Corps stationed overseas and is an avid basser. This rod is her coming home surprise!
It's built on a North Fork Composites MB705-1 IM series blank with custom regular & red burl cork handle, Recoil RSGP guides with a Fuji Ti-Sic tip-top.
Threadwork is an original "Signal Flags" cross-wrap with a weave of the Coprs insignia and angle inlayed guide wraps. Colors are Gudebrod white NCP "A", FishHawk black "A" in cross-wrap and "C" in the weave over-wrap, FishHawk G2 gold, and Madiera poly-neon orange #1947. I made the date & Go Army logo peel & stick decals myself but my logo & user's name silver metallic water-slide decals were done by the pros.
This was a high dollar commission & the Gremlin's just had to keep giving me a hard time. Counting the test wrapping of the weave & crosswrap I did both of them 3 times! I did the dang grip twice, several guides twice, & had to make & apply 2 decals 3 or more times to finally get them right.
LOL! I did eat some cork that got into the bottom line a little but mostly my labor & nerves were the only things really effected and I don't have any other client's waiting in line.
Watching a $20hr labor rate shrink quickly to about $3 is a bitch! Se'la'vee