I just had to post this, what I have been going through for the past two years with my son and his alcohol problem...in hopes this will help someone else in need. During the past year my son has lived with me on three different occasions...and I tried to get him the help he needed all three times..and you cannot believe the roadblocks I encountered....I was told to let him sleep under a bridge..which I could not do..so I was persistent in my goal to help him detox and find a rehab center ! If you have insurance there are rehab centers galore..some costing $11,000 a week..if you don't have insurance..well, it is hard to find help !! Help was right under my nose all the time..until a friend suggested I look into The Salvation Army...here is what they require. First the desire to quit drinking....Second..Zero Breathealizer Test...a committment to 6 month rehab...This a No Fee Program...It is a Working Program, (you earn your keep)...you cannot be on unemployment...the first 30 days there is no communications from anyone..no cell phones...after 30 days there in house AA or Celebrate Recovery Groups....families can also participate. Dealing with a alcoholic has taken its toll on me, mentally and physically...dealing with verbal abuse..but the only thing that kept me going was the fact..this was NOT my REAL son !!If he had cancer, I would have not abandoned him !! So..if anyone or you need help...check out The Salvation Army for help !! You owe it to your family...and you owe it to yourself !!
God Bless You, if you are suffering with an addiction !! MaryLou
MLV As a recovering alcoholic I know the challenges that you face. Without the support of family and friends it is hard to defeat the addiction. I am glad the you found the Salvation Army and AA. AA works but you have to attend the meetings, as many as possible. I go three times a week. I have never dealt with anything that is as hard to defeat as alcoholism. Your son is lucky to have you to support him. He needs all the help he can get. Pat
MLV As a recovering alcoholic I know the challenges that you face. Without the support of family and friends it is hard to defeat the addiction. I am glad the you found the Salvation Army and AA. AA works but you have to attend the meetings, as many as possible. I go three times a week. I have never dealt with anything that is as hard to defeat as alcoholism. Your son is lucky to have you to support him. He needs all the help he can get. Pat
Pat.... This ordeal was really rough..but I had the support of a Al-Anon Group..my sister and friends ...one friend has been sober for 24 years and he said it still is a struggle every day... I was not about to give up on my son....if he had cancer I would throw him out...I just hope he stays with the rehab program..they are free to walk away anytime... Thanks for your encouragerment !! MaryLou