Now that we have several moderators we should have some do's & don'ts so we are all on the same page.
Obviously, we won't allow any foul language and posts with any sexual innuendos.
What else will we prohibit on the PUBLIC forum?
If someone wants to come here and talk smack about the club (not sponsors) do we allow it? I think we should long as it is not vulger. Maybe a fine line, I dunno. I think we are big boys & girls & should have no problems dealing with the smackers.
While I wouldn't have an issue with somone promoting (without spamming) a NON-Sponsor product I think we should restrict active links to non-sponsor product websites.
I moderate another forum and when I delete a post there it goes into a DELETED section. If a moderator is over-ruled by the owner the post can be restored.
I moderate two other forums besides the I was a moderator on the Texas Fishing Forum for five years......I feel there should be definate rules and regulations for the TRB we are all on the same page ! As the forum grows and more people join...there definately will be confrontations, even though rodbuilding is considered a " gentle craft " !!
I agree foul non-sensitive photos...!! I personally will not tolerate them !!
I want to keep this forum clean ....
Or..I 'm going to write a note to your Mother !!!!...
We are all adults...lets all use just good common sense !!
-- Edited by MaryLouVandeRiet on Wednesday 3rd of February 2010 02:32:46 PM
Tis' a fine line between moderating and censorship.
I got banned on TTF for a period of time. Why? A guy posted a picture of his newborn son. Many post congratulating him on the new arrival. I too congratulated him and added "Did the doctor lip'em?" For that I got bannd for "Making negative comments about a members son."
Currently banned on BBC. Got into a difference of opinion on the quality of Gambler bass boats. No name calling or derogatory comments. But.... it was a difference of opinion with the web master and a Gambler owner all wrapped up in one. Being as he had just landed Gambler bass boats as a sponsor he wanted nothing negative about them at all. Before getting band I traded pm's with the long time moderator for that page. He wasn't in favor of it but it wasn't his site. Oh... and... the web master deleted that post after banning me as well.
Those are the things that consern me relative to rules and moderating. I understand and accept the need for basic common sense and decency. But if censorship comes into play simply because you believe strongly one way while I believe strongly the other way or because I have had negative experiences with a sponsors product and post those experiences - then that might be an issue for me.
You sound like a troublemaker, Doug... I got my eye on you!! jk
I think it will be pretty obvious if we need to ban somebody. I'm all for lively conversation, so I'm not going to be quick to delete. Nobody's hiding behind handles here, so say what you feel and we'll sort out the bodies afterwards....
Oh, where's the roster for the TRB attack squad?? I want to be part of the dogpack!
-- Edited by Kyle Jud on Wednesday 3rd of February 2010 10:03:53 AM
-- Edited by Kyle Jud on Wednesday 3rd of February 2010 10:21:25 AM
not being a moderator, i feel i have no right in stating right or wrong But let me state this.
i normally cuss like a sailor but i try and respect others feelings so i dont normally get beyond the D word and i have been known to get into heated arguments but in private areas of conversation.
choose wisely how you moderate as you can turn a friend into a life long enemy!
one board i get on has a list of words that are replaced with * ,i dont know if this board can do that or not ?
Alright! I went and got my moderators badge today. I'll delete any fat jokes, aggie jokes, or dental jokes...anything else is ok by me. Seriously, I think we're gonna be ok w/ ya'll handling it! Thanks for doing it.