HEEEEEY SILVIA! Sooo glad too see you here! This is a much more relaxed atmosphere here and we actually promote the sharing of knowledge and friendships! Grady dropped off the Diamond II order! Thanks so much for you guys! I love the finish and its all I use now! The combination between your finsh and Casons CP is giving me great results! Really nice, rich colors from regular nylon!
Some of you know me on the other boards so I thought it was appropriate to support this board as well. Here's some examples of my work.
Hey Randy!
Isn't this great? This is the easiest board to get around on yet. It reminds me so much of a hometown feeling. I love it.
Hey, I don't know if you caught any of the marketing we have done with the rod we dedicated to Gene, but I used your fantastic idea to put it over water and it looks great. The way you position the rods over water really look nice. I just wanted you to be sure and get the credit!
Welcom Randy and Silvia. This is a great board since i Lived in Texas for 20 years its like coming home for me. Randy i really enjoy your work and Silvia the Diamond 2 finish is great. Paul
The best time to go fishing is when you get the urge