Jerry all I can say is... pictures don't do it justices!
Terry, he left it up to me wether or not to include the foregrip. Normally, I'm not a fan of foregrips on inshore rods, but once I seen these grips there was no way I could breakup a set like this...
The first TRB soldier rod is ready for the recipient. I'll get some pics tonight and try to post them in the AM. Thanks to Jerry and Doug's great work, puttin guides on it was snap. Special rod for a special fisherman......Jim
Sweet Jim! Great work everyone! That is a tremendous first effort for ya'll to put together so quickly. My thanks to Jerry for the donation of the rod and those beautiful grips! (we will replentish you). Doug, you thread work is great as usual. Putter and the decals! Not sure who put them on....Doug? and Jims' guides and finish work!
All in all I think a tremendous first effort! What a great commemorative rod!
Jim and Doug are going to take it to Cajun Bob Saturday morning for his auction. He will present it to the young man there...should be plenty of pictures!
Man, that came out nice! Thanks, Doug, Jim, and Putter! I bet Brad will be "wowed". Wish I could be there for the presentation...take lots of pics, and thank Brad for me!
These are the pics Pat Helton and I took at the fundraiser auction for " Take a Soldier Fishing" program. Besides empty pockets I came away with a better understanding of what these folks do and the touching story around the recipient of our 1st vet rod.