I have received quite a few request for rods in the last couple of weeks. I need to get at least 20 rods built for the requst I have now and I expect to get more request. I am proud that This program has become such a success but growth brings problems along with it. I have enough rods for the Washington Tuna Classic (20 rods) and enough for the wounded veterans hunt sponsored by "Good Old Boys Hunting club" (10 rods). BTW our club has been invited to the appreciation dinner at Brooks Army Medical Center to help feed wounded veterans and their families. My wife and I went last year and we served over 650 soldiers and their families. We worked hard but it was so enjoyable. The soldiers appreciate so much.
Remeber it is the Rods For Soldiers program of the Texas Rod Builders. This is your program too so let's all step up and help out. Thanks to those that have been helping.
Just send me your address and I will mail you a kit or I can deliver a kit to FTU for you to pick up.