we have a celebrity among us, Terry Goode and his big Jack made the "Lone Star Outdoor News" current edition (available free at FTU and other places) on page 12
i had though the guy was pulling my leg about wanting to know about it (really though he wanted to potlock my spot) heheh.
whats funny is i really dont remember what all i said to him .. i know i remember saying that the rod was made with the help of the TRB classes and parts from FTU, now weather he used that info or not i dont know.
Found it on line and boy did the kid get parts of it all wrong.
i was not fishing for gafftops, i had gotten a few, the kid also failed to say that i played it for quite a while, i think it was close to 20 minuets ( i think) so much so i had to sit down and fight it for a while. link. http://issuu.com/lsoneditor/docs/july092010?mode=embed&layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml&showFlipBtn=true