I was speaking with Terry J. and Pat about how I want to help with "Rods for Soldiers".....So I wrote a letter to US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison explaining to her about our club and the "Rods for Soldiers" program that our club is running. I received a call yesterday from Senator Hutchison's Construction Liasion "Josh Cortez". He told me that Senator Hutchison would like to help in any way she could with our program, and he was going to put me in contact with the Brooks Army Medical Center's Gift Coordinator "Michelle Cummins". I also received an email this morning from Mr. Cortez that he wrote to Ms. Cummins.... Here is the email Mr. Cortez forwarded me.
Ms. Cummins:
Texas Rod Builders is an organization that is running a non-profit program called "Rods For Soldiers". They make commemorative custom built fishing rods to give to our wounded hero's that serve our great country. They have contacted Senator Hutchison's office because they are in need of more heroes' to thank for serving our great country. Up till this point every rod that they have built has all been word of mouth and they would like to find the most deserving soldiers to commemorate in honor of serving our country.
Being as you are the gift coordinator for Brook Army Medical Center and per our conversation this morning I am forwarding Mr. Shaw's contact information to you.
When Ms. Cummins contacts me I will let her know we would like to present the rods to the soldiers and if possible have some pictures taken with them.... But I would like to talk about it at the meeting tomorrow and iron out the details on how the club wants to handle this.
-- Edited by Trey Shaw on Friday 26th of February 2010 01:05:29 PM
Guys, I'm in anyway I can. Unfortunately I am unable to attend the meeting unless a miracle happens early tomorrow morning. I was hoping to come and meet the people that I talk to daily, and become an active member in this club.