Decided today I will give posting pictures a shot. Dont know if it will work but here goes. The first two are specifically for ya all. Sorry just had to do that. Sorry I am a smart a__ Californian. lol
Yes indeed Doc. Those 2 are 1st and 2nd base of a Texas slam. Flounder (really small halibut lol) being the 3rd. State record for the spotted seatrout(specks locally) is 15.6 lbs and 37.25 inches long. For the red drum (redfish) the state record is 59.5lbs. at54.25 inches. One of these days we'll hook you up. Come on down anytime........Very nice weaves by the way. I've seen the largemouth before but never the red and speck. Thanks for posting,,,,Jim
There it is Doc. The inshore holy trinity......I like the action red weave alot. I'm not sure why or what conditions cause it, but sometimes the reds are almost a dark copper color across their back with a white belly and at times they are really pale and almost pink along the back. Genetics maybe, but I can't attribute it to deep or shallow fish cause I've caught both on the same trip, same place. Once in a while someone will post some pics of a leopard spotted red. Really pretty. Years ago while fishin the Galveston beachfront piers, I caught a larger red (bull reds locally) and it had no spots at all. There's a story that goes with that but I'll save it for later.,,,,,,Jim
Doc, that spec weave is awesome....I've never seen a weave where the lure and line was so evident...that is really a nice weave. Thanks for posting....I think we need to try some larger uploads...I don't see any restrictions here. I like the slide show format quite a bit. misspelled ya'll...must be yer Californy accent! lol
"inspirtation" or inspiration, I like 'em all! I ESPECIALLY like what you did w/ the trout chasing the lure! Is that pattern available thru acidrod? I'm not ready for color change weaves, but I think I need that pattern! Jerry